Lime Powder Manufacturer: Supplier of Premium Lime Powder Products







Lime refers to a type of mineral primarily composed of calcium oxide (CaO). It's an inorganic substance that can exist in various forms, with the most common ones being quicklime (calcium oxide, CaO) and hydrated lime (calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2).


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Lime refers to a type of mineral primarily composed of calcium oxide (CaO).

It's an inorganic substance that can exist in various forms, with the most common ones being quicklime (calcium oxide, CaO) and hydrated lime (calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2).



Quicklime refers to calcium oxide (CaO), typically obtained by high-temperature heating of limestone (a calcium carbonate mineral).

It is a white powder commonly used in construction, soil improvement, water treatment, and industrial processes like steel manufacturing. Quicklime is alkaline and can be used to neutralize acidic substances.


Hydrated Lime

Hydrated lime (calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2) is produced by the reaction of quicklime in water, usually resulting in a white powder or suspension.

It possesses strong alkalinity and is therefore often utilized in water treatment, firefighting, construction, and chemical industries.

Quicklime is also used in soil improvement to raise the pH of the soil.



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Applications of Quicklime in Various Industries

  • Construction Industry

Quicklime is used in the production of paints, adhesives, mortars, and plasters.

It's also utilized in construction insulation, for instance, in lightweight concrete and plasterboard.

  • Agriculture

As a soil amendment, quicklime is used to adjust soil pH and improve crop growth environments.

  • Water Treatment

Quicklime is employed in water treatment to aid in impurity removal, adjust water pH, and prevent metal deposition.

  • Environmental Protection

In the desulfurization process of flue gases, quicklime serves as a desulfurizing agent, reducing sulfur oxide emissions from industries, incinerators, and power plants.

  • Mining Industry

  • Metal Extraction: 

Quicklime is used in the mining sector to assist in metal extraction, such as gold, silver, copper, and uranium.

 Added to ores, it facilitates a series of chemical reactions to help separate metal elements. For example, it can neutralize acidic substances in ore.

  • Ore Neutralization: 

Some ores are highly acidic, posing risks to equipment and the environment. Quicklime is used to neutralize these acidic substances to ensure safe handling.

  • Steel Industry

  • Steel Refining: 

In the steel industry, quicklime is part of the steel refining process. 

It's used in smelted ores to help remove impurities, particularly silicon and phosphorus. 

Quicklime also aids in adjusting the pH in the steelmaking furnace, enhancing the efficiency of the refining process.

  • Impurity Removal: 

Quicklime is also used to eliminate impurities, especially sulfur, from the steel production process, ensuring the quality of the steel.


Introduction to the Environmental Applications of Quicklime (Click Here)

Introduction to the Agricultural Applications of Quicklime (Click Here)






Applications of Hydrated Lime in Various Industries

  • Construction Industry

Hydrated lime is commonly used in the production of mortar or lime paste for manufacturing materials like bricks, plasterboard, and cement in construction.

It can also control the setting speed of construction materials.

  • Environmental Protection

In chimneys, hydrated lime is used as a desulfurizing agent for flue gas, aiding in reducing the emission of sulfur dioxide (SO2) into the atmosphere.

It's also utilized in wastewater treatment to neutralize acidic wastewater, ensuring compliance with environmental regulations for discharge.

  • Metal Smelting

In metallurgy, hydrated lime serves as an absorbent for hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in flue gases, preventing the emission of harmful hydrogen sulfide gas during metal smelting processes.

  • Agriculture

Hydrated lime can be used for agricultural soil improvement, neutralizing acidic soil and increasing the soil's calcium content, which contributes to enhancing crop growth.

  • Water Treatment

In drinking water treatment, hydrated lime is used as a softening agent to remove hardness from water, such as calcium and magnesium ions, preventing the accumulation of calcium layers in pipes and equipment.


Introduction to the Environmental Applications of Hydrated Lime (Click Here)

Introduction to the Agricultural Applications of Hydrated Lime (Click Here)



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